Saturday, August 29, 2009

Last Chance for Skinny

Hello Rounders, Today I weighed in at 181 lbs. but I'm at my daughters house and she has a different scale.  We think it is about 3 lbs. off.  

Food:  For breakfast I ate a bowl of oatmeal.  For Lunch I had one whole guacamole made into dip with tomato and onion.  I spread it on a very large whole wheat pita and added some lettuce to give it dimension.  I was delicious.  I was on the road for dinner so I ate a Burger King Veggie burger with tomato and lettuce.  I also ate a small fries.  For snack I ate a few handfuls of popcorn at the movies.

Exercise:  Nothing

Today I would like to talk about being healthy.  Someone sent me an anonymous suggestion about Last chance for healthy.  The vegan diet, when done well and correctly has been known to cure illnesses.  There are several books on the market that claim that whole foods can even cure cancer. One example is the experience of Christina Pirello, who has written a few cook books and has her own T.V. cooking show, emphasizes the value of whole foods.  Her latest book is "This Crazy Vegan Diet". Her story in brief,  is that she had cancer and she went on a strict whole foods diet and now she doesn't have cancer anymore.  In addition, I personally know a man who had colon cancer and he went on the same type of diet and now he doesn't have colon cancer anymore.  Both of them opted not to receive any type of conventional intervention.  However, let me just say that I am not endorsing any cure.  What I am emphasizing is that we need to stop eating dead flesh that is injected with chemicals, and stop drinking diet soda and eating sugar, if we want to be healthy.  So why did I eat fries for dinner? Weak moment.....But it's better than what I used to eat....and the important thing is to keep going.  

I was feeling so sickly this past weak and I went off my diet on Sunday....could that be why? Michael Savage on AM radio says you need to cut out foods and then reintroduce them and if you feel sickly again after you eat them, it means that you are allergic to that food.  Sounds like a good idea.  I don't know if I felt sick because I ate the Calamari, or if I needed to take vitamin B complex with iron, but I feel better.  We'll see what the fries do to me.!  

My suggestion to all of you...Take a minute and look up what a liver and heart looks like in an obese person.  I saw this on Oprah once and it is absolutely sick!  So today my daughter and I are going to try to eat just fruit and carbs.  I'm not looking forward to it!

Signed, Last Chance for Skinny

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