Thursday, August 20, 2009

Last Chance for Skinny

Hello fellow excuse makers, I have just experienced every dieting fat girl's nightmare.  I bought a digital scale and I weighed in at 186.5 lbs.  Ugh! So I am back to where I started from.   My only consolation is that whatever weight I started off at, I lost 9 lbs, because today I weighed in on my old scale at 178 lbs.  So I know I'm on the right track.  

Food:  Yesterday morning I started the day with one of Aunt Marlene's breakfast bars.  For lunch I ate some left over Lasagna, and for dinner I ate some home made vegetable soup with tofu.  I also ate some baked apple crisp.  I drank tons of water with lemon too.  

Exercise:  Nothing.  I really need to get busy in this category.  My friend Jo told me that if you ride your bike for 3 hours a week, you reduce your chances of a heart attack by 50%.  That's amazing!  And biking is so much fun too.  

Today I would like to address the feeling of failure.  How many times have you failed on your diets?  The reason why I called this blog "Last chance for Skinny"  is because I feel as though this is my last chance.  It all started when I became very ill in May because of an over prescribed thyroid medication.  I landed in the hospital for three days and nearly suffered from a stroke.  We all have moments of revelations and that became my moment.  I knew that I had to get my health under control, and that I couldn't afford to fail this time.  My daughter had suggested that I read the book Skinny Bitch, and after reading the chapter on slaughter, I stopped eating meat.  I gradually eliminated all other foods until I was totally vegan.  I hadn't weighed myself until the day I started the blog, but I know that I had been loosing all along because my clothes were easier to get into. 

Vegan? I'm not going Vegan.  I keep hearing this.  I know how you feel and if you would have asked me 4 months ago if I would ever be a vegan I would have said Hell no!  Tofu?  That's just disgusting!  But here I am, a Vegan, and blogging about how great it is no less.  All I can say is that for the first time in my life I feel in control of my food intake, and I don't feel like a failure. So the way I look at it is this....I don't crave sweets, I feel in control, I'm not cheating, I am eating more fruits and vegetables than I have ever eaten before, I don't feel bloated, I don't have reflux, I don't have diarrhea, I'm not constipated, I don't feel sick, I'm not hungry, I don't need a nap, I actually feel pretty good.  So thats why it's my last chance, because if I can't loose weight with all of the above, I'll never loose weight!   

My advice to you is just try it!  Find the alternatives that work for you, and take the plunge.  I strongly suggest that you read the Skinny Bitch book before you start because it really helps your head.  And one more don't have to do it all at once.  It took me 2 1/2 months to eliminate all of the unhealthy foods from my diet.  

Signed, Last Chance for Skinny

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