Monday, August 17, 2009

Last Chance for Skinny

Hello followers...I don't know if anyone is reading this but just in case you logged on yesterday and didn't see a new blog, I'm sorry for disappointing you.  Yesterday when my feet hit the ground, I began running, and didn't stop until late in the evening. 

I weighed in yesterday at 182 lbs.  Saturday was a busy day.

Waffles made with whole wheat flour.  I cheated a little bit because they also consisted of egg and milk.  A substitute for that could be applesauce and soy milk.  I topped it with some organic maple syrup and some strawberries.  Later that day I had a vegan protein drink and some juice. For dinner I ate a small potato and a piece of carrot.  Once again I didn't eat enough food.  Which is totally amazing because that has never happened to me before.  Around 10 pm, I felt really hungry and I drank 2 beers and had some chips and guacamole.  Not good!  I thought for sure that I would have weighed in higher.  But I lost a pound.  

I walked the dogs, and purged.  Purging takes a lot out of you because you move around more than usual.  

Today I weighed in at 180 lbs.  Can you believe it?  7 lbs. in just 5 days.  I feel really proud of myself.  Yesterday I went to Whole Foods and stocked up on Vegan ice cream, Vegan cookies and tons of whole grains, legumes, and organic wine.  

Food:  A large tomato for breakfast, vegan dumplings for lunch, Italian risotto with porcine mushrooms, artichokes, and a huge salad for dinner.  Later on in the evening I ate a vegan ice cream sandwich.  Yesterday I did a lot of moving and I think that really helped.   

Moving reminds me of another diet that I went on in the mid 90's.  The Susan Powders' Diet.  "Fat makes you fat"...."Move just move".... "Don't for to breath".  Actually this was one of the best diets that I have been on except my hair and nails got uglier than they already were.  So with supplements, I guess it could be considered a pretty good diet.  Knowing what we know now however, about Omega 3 and 6 fatty oils, it could really be dangerously unhealthy.  The main premise of this diet is cutting out all fat from your daily nutrition.  No butter, no dressing, no olive oil, nothing fried, no tomato sauce.  The most important part of the diet that Susan Powders stresses is moving.  She says that any kind of movement is beneficial. Do laundry while trying  to hold in your stomach, Clean the steps at a quick pace, Make the bed in 15 seconds.  Just move, move, move, and breath, breath, breath.  Remembering to breath was another huge part of the diet.  Oxygenate your body!  She is definitely right about that.  We westerners do not breath deeply.  The Asian meditation methods all promote deep breathing for better health.  I lost about 20 lbs. with this diet and I kept it off for about a year but then one day I just had a breakdown and ate ice cream, and then that was it.  

So I guess what I have tried to do throughout my life, is take what I like from every diet and live by it.  The problem is consistency.  I never do the same thing twice.  I like to change and experiment with different things.  But the way I see it is this diet is extremely grounding, and that's refreshing.  Don't forget to move and breath.  


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