Thursday, August 13, 2009

Last Chance for Skinny

Hello, I'm going to admit something that I've have tried to hide for a very long time.  I have hidden it with large prints, loose and boxy tops, scarves, big jewelry, and of course shoes. I have tried anything to draw attention away from my large self.  

Here it is.....I am a fat woman!  There it's out, for all to know.  

I've decided to write this blog because I think that I have found the answer.....and after having tried every single diet on this planet including "A Diet for a Small Planet", I think this is it girls.

Four weeks ago I became a vegan and for the very first time I feel as though I am in control of my life.  I do not crave any sweets.  Just this past week, I have resisted temptation against Ice cream, cookies and chocolate without feeling deprived or making a secret plan to eat it when no-one is looking.  I know all of you out there are saying, "Oh I can do that" but I am telling you, it is a different feeling now because I'm not even tempted.  

So this is my plan.  Today I weighed in at 187 lbs.  I'm going to track my weight every day and record what I ate and when I exercised.  I hate to exercise so that should be the shortest part of the blog....and I love to eat so that should be the longest part.  I think that by creating this blog and sharing my journey to skinnydom with you, will be a great motivator to stay on the right path.  

I would love to have some company with this so I welcome any fat joiners who are desperately trying to loose weight.  Signed, Last Chance for Skinny 

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